We are open for In-person or Online Sessions: Call, Text or Email us with any questions at 678-892-7713, or admin@remainconnectedllc.com

What is an EMDR Intensive?
An EMDR Intensive is a personalized, half-day or day-long therapeutic format where you will be able to complete multiple sessions of EMDR in a shorter period. The condensed format allows you to save time and financial resources by completing intensive treatment that would normally be done over the course of several weekly sessions. An EMDR intensive offers the opportunity to find relief from trauma symptoms.
Who is a Good Fit?
An intensive format is a great option for those that do not have time for weekly sessions, are having difficulty finding a local trauma therapist, or having trouble managing multiple days of child-care for weekly therapy.
We recommend an EMDR intensive for those with singular trauma events, like an accident or singular assault.
We do not recommend an EMDR intensive for those with chronic trauma, especially childhood abuse or neglect. We will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for those that are in on-going therapy with a trust provider.

We offer two options based on logistic and treatment needs. Both are available on Fridays upon request:
Option 1: 9:00am-5:00pm for $1100
Option 2: 9:00am-2:00pm for $900
Prior to being admitted to an intensive, you will complete a screening call with the therapist to determine if an intensive is a good fit. Additionally, the therapist will have you complete a questionnaire to identify which symptoms of post-traumatic stress you are experiencing in addition to Remain Connected’s intake paperwork.
Tentative Schedule
Option 1
9:00 AM: Treatment Planning
10:30 AM: Break
10:40 AM: Session 1 EMDR Reprocessing
12:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: Session 2 Check-in and EMDR Reprocessing
3:30 PM: Break
3:40 PM: Session 3 EMDR Reprocessing and Resource Skills Development
5:00 PM: End
Option 2
9:00 AM: Treatment Planning
10:00 AM: Break
10:10 AM: Session 1 EMDR Reprocessing
11:20 AM: Break
11:30 AM: Session 2 EMDR Reprocessing
12:30 PM: Break
12:40 PM: Session 3 EMDR Reprocessing and Resource Skills Development
2:00 PM: End

Participate in an EMDR Intensive in Atlanta, GA
Reach out today to see if an EMDR Intensive is the best next step for you. Our dedicated therapists are ready to guide you through this journey.